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[Closed] spline IK control and Path contraint script

I’m having a little difficulty figuring something out, and part of me thinks it’s not even possible to do so.

spline01 has 4 points, and a spline_IK_control applied with 4 point helper in the scene, create a 5th point helper that has a path constraint to spline01 while keeping it between 2 control points

1 2 ^ 3 4

I want to make a point helper between point 2 and 3, however it is not always 50%

Step one: get the position of point 2 and 3

Step two: average positions of point 2 and 3 together

Step three: create a new point at the averaged position

Step four: apply a path constrain to the new point while maintaining the offset from 0%

The main issue is that I can set the percent of the 5th point helper to 50%, but if point helpers 2 and 3 are both below 50% then point helper 5 should be between points 2 and 3, not at 50%.

2 Replies

In the path constraint turn off normalize time.

thanks for the quick reply PEN, but i can’t find anything about normalize time in the path constraint or in the help file, is it a hidden command or am i just not seeing it?