[Closed] spline curve on floater?
I want to be able to create a floater or rollout on which I can place and edit a spline curve within maxscript(without using dot net)
Don’t follow, is this the same as the other discussion about using a bazier curve to control something?
i know that max CurveControl is not the best one but it works for me. Except couple thing it does do all that i need.
to make your own Curve Control with c# or c++ you have to support A LOT of things:
#edit curve/points
#change events
#control wiring
ye I thought i might be able to make my own control using bezier spline and lengthInterp(), which returns a point value for the parameter along the curve. All I would need to do is create it within a floater. But yes, the max curve control looks quite useful I guess, I have had a cursory look but the only function that seems to return a value for y given anything along the x axis is getValue which takes three arguments, one being the timeslider , which i dont quite get – I don’t want to involve the time at all…I want to set up distance/percentage axes… I guess I’m missing something stupendously obvious.
But I’ve been thinking – why not just store the knots and tangent infornation using the cc mainly as a visual aid for the user, and regenerate the curve somewhere else after storing the ‘generator values’ in a math structure, which could then spit out value along the curve using quadratic hermite or other approximation routines.
Denis – i saw in one of your posts an interesting script you wrote for pacermike that links the CC with a curve node and track controller in curve editor, but I’m not really sure how useful it might be…could this ‘permanent’ curve be used to allocate cordinate values? interesting,
Thanks Matan…this is just the kind of thing I’m looking at doing…
hi again…just checked out all your stuff…awesome – you said somewhere in that thread you were looking to utilize these for a UI 2d controller…whihc is what I’m looking to do. Did you have any luck with that?
It was a long time ago and I don’t remember what exactly was I talking about back then, but I guess I didn’t do it in the end. Any how I’m sure it is possible to do that, and if the bitmap that you want to draw is not too big then it will work pretty fast enough. But I’m curious why would you need to do such a thing without dotnet? My code is very low level, and it’s pretty slow in comparison with what dot net has to offer. Paul Neale has a great tutorial on dotnet GDI on his site that can give you a good start, and it’s much easier to implement. I did this mainly for learning purposes.
I agree on the speed of drawing a bit map compared to drawing with GDI is far slower. If I had time I would whip something up. I’ll see if I can find a bit of time some where.
Matan, I rememeber that thread well. I think that it sparked all sorts of crazy tests that people were trying.