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[Closed] Spline boolean ops

I can go splineOps.startUnion, but how do I actually perform these union operations in script?

3 Replies

There’s no easy way afaik.

    fn get2DPoint pos yTop:true = (
        local sX = gw.getWinSizeX() as float
        local sY = gw.getWinSizeY() as float
        local rPA = renderPixelAspect
        local rX = RenderWidth as float
        local rY = RenderHeight as float
        rY = rY * ( 1 / rPA )
        local rratio = ( sX / rX ) / (sY / rY)
        if rratio >= 1. then (
            local ratio = sY / rY
        ) else (    
            local ratio = sX / rX
        local xMin = ( sX - ( rX * ratio ) ) / 2
        local yMin = ( sY - ( rY * ratio ) ) / 2
        gw.setTransform (matrix3 1)
        local p = gw.TransPoint ( pos )
        local x = ( p.x - xMin ) / ( sX - ( xMin * 2) )
        local y = ( p.y - yMin ) / ( sY - ( yMin * 2 ) )
        if not yTop then y = 1 - y

    fn makeparam w l = (
        bit.or (bit.and w 0xFFFF) (bit.shift l 16)    


    hwnd = windows.getParentHWND (windows.getChildHWND #max "Ribbon")[1]    
    activeViewportHWND = (dotNetClass "Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface").Instance.COREInterface7.ActiveViewExp.HWnd
    delete objects
    shp = circle()
    convertToSplineShape shp
    shp2 = copy shp pos:(shp.pos + [(shp.max.x-shp.min.x)/2.0,0,0])
    addAndWeld shp shp2 -1
    select shp
    max modify mode
    subobjectlevel = 3
    setSplineSelection shp #(1)
    p2 = getKnotPoint shp 2 1    
    splineOps.startUnion shp
    p2xy = get2DPoint p2
    p2xy = [ int (p2xy[1] * gw.getWinSizeX()), int (p2xy[2] * gw.getWinSizeY()) ]

--     mouseParam = makeparam mouse.pos.x mouse.pos.y
    mouseParam = makeparam p2XY[1] p2XY[2]
    windows.sendMessage hwnd 0x21 0x302DE 0x2070001
    windows.postMessage activeViewportHWND 0x0200 0x1 mouseParam -- WM_MouseMove
    windows.postMessage activeViewportHWND 0x0020 activeViewportHWND 0x2000001 -- WM_SetCursor

    windows.postMessage activeViewportHWND 0x201 0x1 mouseParam
    windows.postMessage activeViewportHWND 0x202 0 mouseParam

this one works too, but never on the first run.
at first function call it always fails for some unknown reason system exception
but second time it does boolean as expected

fn splineIntersect shp index1 index2 = if index1 > 0 and index2 > 0 and isKindOf shp SplineShape do (
        local ns = numSplines shp
        if index1 <= ns or index2 <= ns and ns > 1 then (
            if isClosed shp index1 and isClosed shp index2 then (
                local g = (dotNetClass "Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface").Instance
                local inode = g.COREInterface.GetINodeByHandle shp.inode.handle asdotnetobject:true
                local iobj  = (inode.EvalWorldState g.COREInterface.Time true asdotnetobject:true).Obj

                if getCommandPanelTaskMode() != #modify do max modify mode
                if subObjectLevel != 3 do subObjectLevel = 3
                setSplineSelection shp #(index1)
                iobj.BoolOperation = 2

                splineOps.startIntersect shp
                iobj.doBoolean (index2-1)
                updateShape shp
                if theHold.Holding() do theHold.Accept "Boolean Intersect"
            ) else false
        ) else false
    splineIntersect $ 1 2

Thanks for the workaround!