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[Closed] Speed Space Follow
Mar 13, 2014 3:26 pm
I’m trying to recreate the effect of speed space follow in pflow on a teapot. Currently, I have a point helper that is animated in position, and a teapot that is linked to it.
obj = $point001
tp = $teapot001
with animate on
for i = animationRange.start to animationRange.end do (
at time i (
currentPos = obj.pos
lastPos = at time (i-1) obj.pos
xM = normalize (currentPos-lastPos)
yM = normalize (cross xM [0,0,1])
zM = normalize (cross xM yM)
yM = normalize (cross xM zM)
targetMatrix = matrix3 xM yM zM [0,0,0]
destRot = targetMatrix.rotationpart
srcRot = tp.rotation
tp.rotation = (slerp srcRot destRot .25)
tp.position = obj.pos
However, this does not produce the desired effect I’m looking for. Similar to a path constraint with follow checked.
Update: Hmmm, when I use [0,0,-1] for the upnode, it works properly. Although I don’t know why…
2 Replies
Mar 13, 2014 3:26 pm
you could try replacing…
xM = normalize (currentPos-lastPos)
yM = normalize (cross xM [0,0,1])
zM = normalize (cross xM yM)
yM = normalize (cross xM zM)
targetMatrix = matrix3 xM yM zM [0,0,0]
targetMatrix = MatrixFromNormal (currentPos-lastPos)
or otherwize
yM = normalize (cross [0,0,1] xM )
should give the same result as using [0,0,-1]