[Closed] Some guidance/help needed
My little script to make measuring a little quicker and easier which can be found on Scriptspot https://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/tape-measure
and needs a little help from the gurus here.
If you click on un-go to remove the tape and reset the ui it works fine but it doesn’t clear the information from max’s memory so if you immediately click “Go” again it will re-make the tape in the same location even if the two objects being measured are deleted.
–How do I go about resetting this? -
If you need to finesse the position the tape in the viewport what do I need to do to capture the changes in my edittext of the Tape Measure ui?
Add this at the end of the but_dtape handler
pPoz = qPoz = rTape = pbt_picktT.object = pbt_picktS.object = undefined
You’re not doing a good cleanup in the eventhandler and also the btn go handler is very error prone, it probably crashes when you haven’t picked 2 points, but press the button.
Read up on the following functions : getNodeByName / isValidNode / createDialog (instead of rolloutfloater, if your only using one rollout) and definitely take a look at your error catching, loads of try catches usually means you’re not quite sure how to deal with exceptions. For example:
on but_sTape pressed do
if rTape != undefined do
select rTape
but_sTape.text = rTape.name
Should also just work like
on but_sTape pressed do
if isValidNode rTape do
select rTape
but_sTape.text = rTape.name
See no try catch needed at all, because I know when I have a valid node the rest of the code block works.
Hope this helps,
Tomorow I will release a script that use tape to measure distance and some other things(need time to capture some videos of how the script work). In the code you will find the ansewr of question 2. Just a hint – check maxscript referense for “when construct”. I think that there is better solution then mine, but… the people wtih more expirience in mxs may be will help you and me.
Thanks Johan just the kind of thing I needed
Look forward to it miauu
I’m not quite at this level yet but looking into all these sugestions
let’s think… do we really need the tape?
– to measure distance between two nodes we are using distance method
– to draw line between two nodes we can use vewport draw methods
– the type dosn’t really solve the problem of real-time update
where is the point to use it?
if you don’t mind i can show my way of doing these things…
here is my tool-snippet that demonstrates how to use callbacks and when constructs for real-time UI update:
global Distance_Catcher
global Distance_Catcher_Settings = if Distance_Catcher_Settings == undefined then
[100,100], -- dialog pos
undefined, -- dialog size
1, -- units
#(), -- locked nodes
undefined, -- locked distance
undefined -- last distance
else Distance_Catcher_Settings
try(destroydialog Distance_Catcher) catch()
rollout Distance_Catcher_Rol "Distance Catcher" width:220
local dcs = Distance_Catcher_Settings
group "Nodes: "
edittext name01_et "" readonly:on width:170 across:2
checkbutton lock01_cb width:17 height:17 align:#right offset:[-4,0] tooltip:"Lock Node" checked:(isvalidnode dcs[4][1])
edittext name02_et "" readonly:on width:170 across:2
checkbutton lock02_cb width:17 height:17 align:#right offset:[-4,0] tooltip:"Lock Node" checked:(isvalidnode dcs[4][2])
group "Distance: "
label units_lb "Units:" across:2 offset:[-24,1]
radiobuttons units_rb labels:#("World", "System") default:dcs[3] columns:2 offset:[-42,0]
edittext dist_et "" readonly:on width:85 across:3
edittext lock_et "" readonly:on width:85 align:#right offset:[40,0]
checkbutton lock_cb width:17 height:17 align:#right offset:[-4,0] tooltip:"Lock Distance" checked:(dcs[5] != undefined)
fn getCurrentNodes =
nodes = getCurrentSelection()
node01 = dcs[4][1]
node02 = dcs[4][2]
if isvalidnode node01 do
if node01 != nodes[1] or nodes[2] == undefined do nodes[2] = nodes[1]
nodes[1] = node01
if isvalidnode node02 do
if not isvalidnode node01 and node02 == nodes[1] and nodes[2] != undefined do nodes[1] = nodes[2]
nodes[2] = node02
fn theDist d = if dcs[3] == 1 then units.formatvalue d else d as string
fn updateDistance nodes: names:on values:on =
if nodes == unsupplied do nodes = getCurrentNodes()
if names do
name01_et.text = try(nodes[1].name) catch("")
name02_et.text = try(nodes[2].name) catch("")
if values do
dcs[6] = try(distance nodes[1] nodes[2]) catch(0)
dist_et.text = theDist dcs[6]
lock_et.text = theDist (if dcs[5] != undefined then dcs[5] else dcs[6])
fn updateHandlers =
deleteAllChangeHandlers id:#distance_catcher
if (nodes = getCurrentNodes()).count > 0 do
when transform nodes change id:#distance_catcher handleAt:#redrawViews do updateDistance names:off
when name nodes change id:#distance_catcher do updateDistance values:off
on lock01_cb changed state do
dcs[4][1] = if state then (getCurrentNodes())[1] else undefined
on lock02_cb changed state do
dcs[4][2] = if state then (getCurrentNodes())[2] else undefined
on units_rb changed state do
dcs[3] = state
updateDistance names:off
on lock_cb changed state do
dcs[5] = if state then dcs[6] else undefined
updateDistance names:off
on Distance_Catcher_Rol close do
deleteAllChangeHandlers id:#distance_catcher
callbacks.removescripts id:#distance_catcher
dcs[1] = getdialogpos Distance_Catcher_Rol
on Distance_Catcher_Rol open do
deleteAllChangeHandlers id:#distance_catcher
callbacks.removescripts id:#distance_catcher
callbacks.addscript #selectionSetChanged "Distance_Catcher.updateHandlers()" id:#distance_catcher
callbacks.addscript #unitsChange "Distance_Catcher.updateDistance unitsonly:on" id:#distance_catcher
Distance_Catcher = Distance_Catcher_Rol
createdialog Distance_Catcher pos:Distance_Catcher_Settings[1]
the tools displays the distance between two selected (or/and locked) nodes. The node names, distance value, and distance value units updates in real-time using events system:
– names changed
– transforms changed
– selection changed
– units changed
the drawing lines between checked nodes was not my point. it’s easy to find a good sample about this matter.
Well really because I wanted to cover anything I couldn’t think of, I originally just gave the result but mainly because I’m a noob at scripting I can’t work out how to update the result in real time as you manually move the tape to finesse the position of it. But the tape can.
Feel free to make some suggestions, I follow much of what you offer to the community and admire your knowledge and commonsense advice.
I was just looking at Viewport Draw method and tried the first example
unregisterRedrawViewsCallback GW_displayObjectNames
fn GW_displayObjectNames =
gw.setTransform (matrix3 1)
for o in objects where not o.isHiddenInVpt do
gw.text o.pos (o as string) color:yellow
gw.enlargeUpdateRect #whole
registerRedrawViewsCallback GW_displayObjectNames
There is something wrong, now there is $Particle_View:Particle View […]
permanently in my viewport lol I’m off to restart max
It seems Bobo has tackled something like this before here
I guess my difference is, ideally that I’d like to pick the objects I’d like to measure and have it snap to their locations and possibly their faces/vertices so you can get a more accurate measurement.
DIMaster on cgtalk
Just so you know, DIMaster 2 lets you snap to vertices and even sicks to them.
It is a special mode that reads the data from the Snap system and uses an Attachment Constraint on a Helper to stick to the snapped vertex. If you change the size of the object you are measuring, the DIMline would change size with it dynamically.
Yes playing with it now. Trying to understand some of the code but completly lost :shrug:
It would still be nice to have an interface to pick the objects to measure but I imagine that would get complicated trying to pick a point on the objects to align/snap to.
Here a video that show what my toll can do. The main idea was to create a script that allow user to select edges with desired length(a requested script in one bulgarian forum). I create that script a few months ago, but now I decide to extend the capabilitis of the script. So, now the script can measure the length of selected edges, can measure distance between verts, middle points of edges, objects. Editable Mesh, Editable Poly and Edit Poly objects are supported.