[Closed] sliderManipulator showing frame
How can I with dependsOn get sliderManipulator Label to change.
I have this now:
$Manipulatorname.sldName = (sliderTime.frame as integer) as string
but how can I get it to change auto, I was thinking that dependsOn can get it to work but dont know how.
Uhhmmm, dependsOn only works in scripted controllers. Also, you cannot make it dependent on the time slider, only on other controllers.
Are you using a scripted controller? And why do you want to do that?
Or better, WHAT exactly do you want to achieve?
A time change callback might be a better idea…
I want to display frame number and maybe some more info when I make preview.
Hi Armin,
here’s a way to do this: use the value field for the frame number, not the label field (this way you can also add a description before the value, like:“Frame”)
now, assign an expression controller to the value field (you can also assign a script controller, but exp. conts. are faster) and type “F” for the current frame value in the expression field.
hOpe this helps,
umm… actually, in the case of displaying frame numbers, that’s not necessary, there’s an option to do so in the “make preview” dialog.