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[Closed] slice plane automation utility

(hope this is no double post)
This is my first attempt at maxScript; it serves to slice a editable poly at a set interval. My problem is the following error:
>> MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception: – Argument count error: getSlicePlane wanted 3, got 1 <<
– Error occurred in btn1.pressed(); filename:; position: 936

Ok, I know I need to provide 3 args, but don’t know what to fill in. I just want to operate the sliceplane on the selected object. $.EditablePoly as the first arg might work. please help. Here’s the code

– This rollout serves to automate a sliceplane
rollout SliceIt “SliceIt” width:199 height:300
radiobuttons direction “Move Direction” pos:[9,118] width:97 height:30 labels:#(“X”, “Y”, “Z”) columns:3
spinner trans “move” pos:[26,69] width:73 height:16 range:[0,100,0]
button btn1 “Do it!” pos:[45,202] width:90 height:29
spinner iterations “iterations” pos:[25,90] width:79 height:16 type:#integer
on btn1 pressed do
if($.EditablePoly.inSlicePlaneMode()) then
planeRay = $.EditablePoly.getSlicePlane($.EditablePoly)
curRay = copy planeRay
if (direction.value==“X”) then
incrementArray = [trans.value,0,0]
) else if(direction.value==“Y”) then
incrementArray = [0,trans.value,0]
) else if(direction.value==“Z”) then
incrementArray = [0,0,trans.value]

        for i = 1 to iterations.value do
            $.EditablePoly.slice curRay flaggedFacesOnly:on
            curRay.pos = CurRay.pos + incrementArray


newroll=newrolloutfloater “Slice It” 260 302 750 80
addrollout SliceIt newroll

This is the maxscript reference:

[left]polyop.getSlicePlane <Poly poly>
size:<&size_float_var> node:<node=unsupplied>

the location and direction of the slice plane as a Ray value. If <size> is specified, the size
of the slice plane is returned in the referenced variable. If <poly> is a node, or if
<poly> is an Editable Poly and
<node> is specified, the ray
returned is in the current coordinate system context. If <poly> is an Editable Poly and
<node> is not specified, the
return value is in the poly’s local coordinate

5 Replies


Well, you are confusing the EditablePoly and Polyop interfaces.
also, radiobuttions have a state property, not a value property.

here is the editablePoly version:

-- This rollout serves to automate a sliceplane
rollout SliceIt "SliceIt" width:199 height:300
radiobuttons direction "Move Direction" pos:[9,118] width:97 height:30 labels:#("X", "Y", "Z") columns:3
spinner trans "move" pos:[26,69] width:73 height:16 range:[0,100,0]
button btn1 "Do it!" pos:[45,202] width:90 height:29
spinner iterations "iterations" pos:[25,90] width:79 height:16 type:#integer
on btn1 pressed do
-- store the selected object
if classof obj==Editable_poly do
	if(obj.EditablePoly.inSlicePlaneMode()) then
	 -- define variables to be passed as reference to the getSlicePlane function
	 plane_normal = Point3 0 0 0
	 plane_center = Point3 0 0 0
	 plane_size = 1.0
	 -- this fills the variables with the current slice pane
	 obj.EditablePoly.getSlicePlane &plane_normal &plane_center &plane_size
	 -- Check the radiobuttons state
	 increment = case direction.state of
	 1: [trans.value,0,0]
	 2: [0,trans.value,0]
	 3: [0,0,trans.value]
	 -- add an undo context
	 With undo "Slice it" on
	 for i = 1 to iterations.value do
	 -- slice the selected faces
	 obj.EditablePoly.slice plane_normal plane_center flaggedFacesOnly:on
	 -- move the slice plane
	 plane_center += increment
newroll=newrolloutfloater "Slice It" 260 302 750 80
addrollout SliceIt newroll

and for fun, this is the polyop version
no need to be in subobject mode or in slice plane mode.

-- This rollout serves to automate a sliceplane
rollout SliceIt "SliceIt" width:199 height:300
radiobuttons direction "Move Direction" pos:[9,118] width:97 height:30 labels:#("X", "Y", "Z") columns:3
spinner trans "move" pos:[26,69] width:73 height:16 range:[0,100,0]
button btn1 "Do it!" pos:[45,202] width:90 height:29
spinner iterations "iterations" pos:[25,90] width:79 height:16 type:#integer
on btn1 pressed do
-- store the selected object
if classof obj==Editable_poly do -- is it an Ediotable_Poly ?
	planeRay = polyop.getSlicePlane obj
	-- Check the radiobuttons state
	increment = case direction.state of
	 1: [trans.value,0,0]
	 2: [0,trans.value,0]
	 3: [0,0,trans.value]
	-- grab the face selection - if no faces selected operate on the whole object
	sel=polyop.getFaceSelection obj
	if sel.numberset==0 do sel=#{1..(polyop.getNumFaces obj)}
	-- add an undo context, just in case ;)
	With undo "Slice it" on
	 for i = 1 to iterations.value do
	 polyop.slice obj sel planeRay
	 planeRay.pos += increment
newroll=newrolloutfloater "Slice It" 260 302 750 80
addrollout SliceIt newroll

2 for the price of 1, sweet ?

Honey sweet

I’ll try it when I get home. My knowledge is real shallow, so my failure was imminent. I really need it though. Trying to make ventilation grills for a tube tv; gaps are placed at 3 mm intervals!

<problem solved>

I wrote a similar script a while back called julienne.

macroScript Julienne
 undolabel = "Julienne"
 rollout julienne "Julienne"
  checkbox Xcheck "X"
  checkbox Ycheck "Y"
  checkbox Zcheck "Z"
  spinner XSpin type:#integer range:[2,100,2] pos:[45,5]
  spinner YSpin type:#integer range:[2,100,2] pos:[45,24]
  spinner ZSpin type:#integer range:[2,100,2] pos:[45,44]
  button dice "Dice" pos:[120,5] height:55
  on dice pressed do
	 undo label:undolabel on
	  p = (selection as array)[1]
	  zeroed = quat 0 0 0 1
	  sticker = p.rotation
	  p.rotation = zeroed
	  SliceMin = p.min
	  SliceMax = p.max
	  if xcheck.checked == true then
	   xchops = xspin.value
	   xchops = undefined
	  if ycheck.checked == true then
	   ychops = yspin.value
	   ychops = undefined
	  if Zcheck.checked == true then
	   zchops = zspin.value
	   zchops = undefined
	  if xchops != undefined then
	   slicelen = slicemax-slicemin
	   slicelen = slicelen/xchops
	   for i = 1 to (xchops-1) do 
		slicepoint = [(slicemin.x+(i*slicelen.x)), (slicemin.y+(i*slicelen.y)), (slicemin.z+(i*slicelen.z))]
		p.slice [1,0,0] (slicepoint-p.pos)
	  if ychops != undefined then
	   slicelen = slicemax-slicemin
	   slicelen = slicelen/ychops
	   for i = 1 to (ychops-1) do 
		slicepoint = [(slicemin.x+(i*slicelen.x)), (slicemin.y+(i*slicelen.y)), (slicemin.z+(i*slicelen.z))]
		p.slice [0,1,0] (slicepoint-p.pos)
	  if zchops != undefined then
	   slicelen = slicemax-slicemin
	   slicelen = slicelen/zchops
	   for i = 1 to (zchops-1) do 
		slicepoint = [(slicemin.x+(i*slicelen.x)), (slicemin.y+(i*slicelen.y)), (slicemin.z+(i*slicelen.z))]
		p.slice [0,0,1] (slicepoint-p.pos)
	  p.rotation = sticker
	 ) -- end Undo
	) -- end try
	catch (messagebox "Something went wrong.  Make sure it's an editable poly.")
  ) -- end on "Dice" 
 createdialog julienne

First off, thanks for these scripts, they are incredibly useful and I’m surprised there is not a wider need for these. I’ve been moving the slice plane manually for far too long and have finally started to look into scripting something and luckily stumbled across these.

I’ve tried using both the editable poly version as well as the polyop version and have a slight issue. I have to press the button to perform each iteration rather than the script running through the loop automatically. I’ve looked into the script a bit and nothing seems glaringly wrong.

Any ideas as to what could be going on?
