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[Closed] skinops – array of selected verts?

is there a way to get an array or bitarray of selected verts?

i’m trying to write a script that will allow me to copy the vert weights of a bone (like a rollbone) – delete that bone & add those weights to the parent. does something like that already exist or is there a simple method in script?

1 Reply

I don’t know if there is a direct method like in UVs, but:

selected_verts = #()
skinMod = $.modifiers[#skin]

– Loop thru mesh verts
for o = 1 to $.mesh.verts.count do
if (skinOps.IsVertexSelected skinMod o) == 1 then – has value of 1 if selected
append selected_verts o

– See what is selected
format “selected verts: %
” selected_verts