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[Closed] Skin Wrap Modifier
Jan 12, 2006 6:30 pm
Hey all,
I’m trying to add a mesh to the meshList in the skin_wrap modifier, but I’m having trouble with the syntax. Also, I’m not sure of what the best way to add the modifier is. Up to now I’ve been copying feedback from the Listener and using it, but in this case I don’t think that is most efficient.
Thanks for reading,
2 Replies
Jan 12, 2006 6:30 pm
I figured out how to add the mesh, but now I can’t convert to skin. Here’s what I have so far.
fn sakCreateWrap =
sel = #();
addMesh = #();
for i in selection do
append sel i;
addMesh[1] = sel[1];
for i = 2 to sel.count do
addModifier sel[i] (Skin_Wrap());
sel[i].modifiers[#Skin_Wrap].meshList = addMesh;
sel[i].modifiers[#Skin_Wrap].distance = 0.1;
Help is much apprieciated,
Jan 12, 2006 6:30 pm
When I execute this line in the listener it works fine.
$.modifiers[skin_wrap].meshDeformOps.convertToSkin true;
But when I add it to the loop, it doesn’t do anything. The listener doesn’t give any feedback.
sel[i].modifiers[skin_wrap].meshDeformOps.convertToSkin true;
Any clue as to why this doesn’t work?