[Closed] Simulating links between objects?
I’m the kind of person who would rather do all the hard and complicated setup beforehand, so that I can work intuitively later on. I’ll know whether a particular part of the animation is IK or FK because I have the colors switch for the bone chain depending on which one it is. And it just takes one click to change from one to the other if I change my mind about which I want that part of the animation to be.
Basically this all started because I was really frustrated by the limitations of biped, but didn’t find any other ready-made rigs that I was satisfied with either. Based on what I have so far, I’m pretty confident that when it’s done people will find it a more user friendly rig than anything else they’ve worked with in Max.
And I will definitely let you know when it’s finished.
Eh. My solution works on either an FK setup or an IK setup, but any time I switch between the two, things want to fly all over the place.
Denis, any chance you could post up a completed version of the original setup you were talking about, using position and rotation lists with script controllers?
it’s hard for me to try make what you want blindly. you probably looking for some IK/FK extra features. there is no any hidden one. i really need to understand (means to see the code) what you want to do.
the ability to switch the rig from IK to FK and back makes this rig valuable. a bad rig costs nothing, the good rig might cost up to $3K on the market. seriously.
…I’m suddenly both determined to get this working right, and wondering if I should post code here! 😮
In all seriousness though, give me some time to get what I’ve currently got together. Maybe I can send you some files? I really have put a lot of hours into this and kind of don’t want to just go posting the whole thing publicly. Let me know.
exactly! check what you have. send me privately the code if you want. it’s definitely not a matter for any public discussion.