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[Closed] Simplifying V-ray materials
Mar 01, 2020 5:15 am
Hi I have a big number of vray materials in my scene and I’m trying to strip them to the basics and keep only the diffuse texture. I managed to reset the reflection, refraction and remove the bump but I’m struggling with the diffuse as most materials have two color correction maps of a single bitmap plugged into a falloff map. So basically I’m trying to assign only the bitmap straight into the diffuse. Here is my sript so far:
for i in (getclassinstances vraymtl) do
i.reflection_glossiness = 1
i.refraction_glossiness = 1
i.texmap_reflection_on = false
i.texmap_bump_on = false
i.texmap_bump = null
i.texmap_reflection = null
i.reflection = black
Any help will be greatly appreciated !
2 Replies
Mar 01, 2020 5:15 am
try this
mats = getclassinstances vraymtl
empty_mat = vraymtl()
attr_num = getPropNames empty_mat
for i in #(#diffuse,#diffuse_roughness,#texmap_diffuse) do deleteItem attr_num (finditem attr_num i)
empty_attr = for i in attr_num collect getProperty empty_mat i
for m in mats do
for i = 1 to attr_num.count do
setProperty m attr_num[i] empty_attr[i]
for i = 1 to (getclassinstances falloff).count do
falloff_mats = for m in refs.dependents (getclassinstances falloff)[1] where finditem mats m > 0 collect m
if falloff_mats.count > 0 do for m in falloff_mats do m.texmap_diffuse =
Mar 01, 2020 5:15 am
You are the man! Works perfect! I knew I have to somehow iterate trough the maps but I would never figure it with my skills