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[Closed] simple script question

Hi everyone,

I’m looking for a function that returns a value of a node at a different time than the current time.
for example, my expression is $box01.position.x but I want its value five frames before.
I know in flame it’s called eval() and in AE it’s called valueAtTime(), and I’m sure there is a similiar function in max I just can’t find.


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Yeah, was just giving you the syntax… gotta make you do a little bit of the work.

at time 50f $.pos.x


(you meant f-5 right?)

He did not. 50f means “frame 50”. f alone means nothing unless it is a user variable.
So f-5 makes no sense unless you assigned f=currentTime already.
Both 5 and 5f will be interpreted as “frame five”, so you can use either one.