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[Closed] Show stringvariable in massage box

i made a dialog box where the user can select an output folder. now i want it to show this path as a text in this box. which type of box or command must i use?

6 Replies

You can just use a label in the dialogue – not sure what the best way is to truncate the file path though, unless you have really wide buttons;)

Another way would be to change the caption for the folder button, but only if you want the user to press it once.

I dont have max open right now but (you need to check the syntax) something like this :

on folderbutton pressed do
folderbutton.caption = variable assigned from folder import dialogue


label.text = the same

the label and button captions are only static. i can’t change them. i tried the following but it doesn’t work:

rollout test “Untitled” width:162 height:300
label test “old” pos:[21,152] width:118 height:26
test_caption = “new”
createDialog test width:162 height:300

test_text= “new” also does’t work

a little typo

test_caption = “new”

should be:

test.caption = “new”

  • Martijn

ooops you’re right
but test.caption = “new” also doesn’t work
i searched many scripts for variable strings in message boxes now, but i haven’t found a single one. can somebody help me pleeeeease?

try this:

rollout Test2 “test”
label LB1 “Save to”
label FolderName “Folder name”
button SelFolder “Select Folder” width:220

on SelFolder pressed do
FPname = getSavePath caption:“Save file to folder”

FolderName.text = FPname – Changes name on label object.
SelFolder.caption = FPname – Changes name on button.

createdialog Test2 300 200

You’ll see how both the label and button work!


Keith Morrison

yes, yes, yes. it works! :applause:
thanx man