[Closed] show and hide rig controls
this seems to be one of those “easy in Maya , obscure in Max” things.
I want IK /FK controls (editable splines) that vanish when the animator toggles the mode.
I can set and read myObject.visibility true/false, but unlike Maya this has no effect on view port visibility.
I’ve seen the approach scaling the controls to zero -and may have to go w that.
but I fear the effect of distorting the hierarchy of CTRL objects…
Is there any (simple) way to script the show / hide state of an editable spline?
either use hide/unhide ( the boolean ishidden property ) or control this via Layer
I would add all the IK /FK controls to a specific layer and toggle the hidden flag for that layer
Visibility is primarily a render related property ( even animatable from 0-1), meaning splines do not have a mesh ( polygons ) thus visibility does not work ( except when you enable the renderable option on the spline )
Note: geometry with visibility=false is still a bit visible in the viewport , at least in Direct3D viewport mode