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[Closed] shadowgenerator


I was wondering how i could get the list of my available shadows in the shadowgenerator.

i would like to collect them into a dropdownlist

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Joined: 11 months ago

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As with all superclasses, ask for the .classes property of the Shadow superclass:

#(shadowMap, raytraceShadow, Area_Shadows, VRayShadow, Adv__Ray_Traced, Ox_Raytraced_Shadows, Ox_Hair_Shadow, mental_ray_Shadow_Map, VRayShadowMap, hairfx_Shadows, AB_Ray_Trace_Shadow, AB_Shadow_Map, Composite_Shadow, Ox_Deep_Shadow_Maps, AB_Shadow_MapShadow, Missing_Shadow_Type)

Your List May Vary depending on your installed plugins


i m so stupid sometimes…:banghead: lol

thanks a lot bobo