[Closed] Setting SaveBitmap .tga Un-premultiplied?
I need to save a rendered image as an un-premultiplied TGA file, how can I set the “pre-multiply by alpha” setting using maxscript?
stitch = getLastRenderedImage()
stitch.filename = "C:\ est\ est01.tga"
save stitch
The above will result in the image being saved with a pre-multiplied Alpha.
stitch = getLastRenderedImage()
old_premult = targa.getPreMultAlpha() -- if you want to keep old
targa.setPreMultAlpha off -- (as you want)
stitch.filename = "C:\ est\ est01.tga"
save stitch
targa.setPreMultAlpha old_premult -- reset to old
Ok found this in the help file and unsure how to use it…
[b][b][color=white][b]Targa : BitmapIO[/b][/color][/b][/b]
[left][b][b]Targa - superclass: BitmapIO; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - classID: #(6, 0)[/b][/b]
[left][b][b]Class instances not creatable by MAXScript[/b][/b]
[left][b][color=white][b]Targa interfaces[/b][/color][/b]
[left]Interface: [b][b]itgaio[/b][/b]
[left]This method returns the color depth, which would be 16, 24, or 32.
[left][b][b]setColorDepth[/b][/b] <integer>colorDepth
[left]This method allows you to set the color depth.
[left][b][b]colorDepth: [/b][/b]The color depth, being either 16, 24, or 32.
[left]This method returns [b][b]True[/b][/b] if the compression flag is set, otherwise [b][b]False[/b][/b].
[left][b][b]setCompressed[/b][/b] <boolean>compression
[left]This method allows you to set the compression flag.
[left][b][b]compression: True[/b][/b] to set the compression flag, otherwise [b][b]False[/b][/b].
[left]This method returns [b][b]True[/b][/b] if the alpha split flag is set, otherwise [b][b]False[/b][/b].
[left][b][b]setAlphaSplit[/b][/b] <boolean>alphaSplit
[left]This method allows you to set the alpha split flag.
[left][b][b]alphaSplit: True[/b][/b] to set the alpha split flag, otherwise [b][b]False[/b][/b].
[left]This method returns [b][b]True[/b][/b] if the premultiplied alpha flag is set, otherwise [b][b]False[/b][/b].
[left][b][b]setPreMultAlpha[/b][/b] <boolean>preMultAlpha
[left]This method allows you to set the premultiplied alpha flag.
[left][b][b]preMultAlpha: True[/b][/b] to set the premultiplied alpha flag, otherwise [b][b]False[/b][/b].
[left]<void>[b][b]setAuthor[/b][/b] <string>author
[left]The author name will be clamped to 40 characters
[left]<void>[b][b]setJobName[/b][/b] <string>jobname
[left]The Job name will be clamped to 40 characters
[left]<void>[b][b]setComment1[/b][/b] <string>comment
[left]<void>[b][b]setComment2[/b][/b] <string>comment
[left]<void>[b][b]setComment3[/b][/b] <string>comment
[left]<void>[b][b]setComment4[/b][/b] <string>comment
[left]The Comments will be clamped to 80 characters
[left]The methods in this interface can be accessed by specifying the class, interface, and method. For example: [b][b]targa.itgaio.getType()[/b][/b].
[left]MAXScript will automatically search through a class interfaces for a property or method name if the name isnt found as a class method or property. This allows you to say: [b][b]targa.getType()[/b][/b].
[left]Providing the fully qualified name of the method results in faster script execution. Providing the fully qualified name is also safer, as at some point in time another interface can be could be specified for the class, and a method or property with the same name could be defined in that interface. Which method or property is used would then be dependent on the order in which the the interfaces were searched for the method or property name.
[left]See also Class IBitmapIO_Tga, in the SDK Help file accompanying this product.
[left][b][b]See also[/b][/b]
[left][BitmapIO Classes]( http://forums.cgsociety.org/BitmapIO_Classes.htm)
[left][BMP : BitmapIO]( http://forums.cgsociety.org/BMP_interfaces_.htm)
[left][JPEG : BitmapIO]( http://forums.cgsociety.org/JPEG_interfaces_.htm)
[left][Portable_Network_Graphics : BitmapIO]( http://forums.cgsociety.org/Portable_Network_Graphics_interfaces_.htm)
[left][TIF : BitmapIO]( http://forums.cgsociety.org/TIF_interfaces_.htm)
Pretty simple all you need to do is this:
targa.setPreMultAlpha false
I need to test whether I file is set to pre-multipled before I know whether to save it as such or not.
The targa interface changes the settings for file outputs (render saved files, etc). It isn’t used to read data from the format. There is no easy way to read if a file is premultiplied or not, since this isn’t metadata stored in the file. From the help:
The Targa BitmapIO class provides a function published interface for tga I/O that gives access to the type of image to be saved.
Cheers guys. Got it working, and of course I guess there is no way to find out whether a TGA was saved pre-mulitplied or not. Shame they didn’t think to put a note in the file.