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[Closed] setKnotSelection per edit_spline modifier in the stack???
Nov 03, 2009 11:14 pm
I’m trying to add a controle helper for a linkedX mod for each vertex on a spline.
this is the code:
max modify mode
for spline in selection where superclassof spline == shape do (
convertToSplineShape spline
for knot = 1 to (numKnots spline) do(
addmodifier spline (edit_Spline ())
subObjectLevel = 1
knotArr = #(knot)
setKnotselection spline 1 knotArr
knotPos = getKnotPoint spline 1 knot
thePoint = point pos:knotPos wirecolor:yellow name:(uniquename( + "_kontroller_"))
knotMod = modPanel.addModToSelection (Linked_XForm ())
spline.modifiers[1].control = thePoint
the problem is that all the edit_spline modifiers do get the same knot selection.
how do I tell maxscript only to change the current modifiers selection like it does that when I do the same thing manually?
2 Replies
Nov 03, 2009 11:14 pm
Read the topic “Passing SplineShape Knot Selections Up The Stack” in the MAXScript Reference. It shows a “hack” to fool the system