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[Closed] separate polygons that are next to each other in groups !?

how to separate polygons that are next to each other in groups !?

let’s say i have a plane with 10 polygons… 1…4,6,7,9,10 faces are selected…

so i want to have for every faces pack that are next to each other a variable…

pack1 = #{1…4}
pack2 = #{6,7}
pack3 = #{9,10}

any idea on how to do that !? or at least how to see what polygons are next to each other !?

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fn findIsolatedPolys obj:selection[1] faces:  = if iskindof obj Editable_Poly do
	fn firstBit arr = if arr.isEmpty then #{} else #{(arr as array)[1]}

	if faces == unsupplied do faces = obj.selectedfaces as bitarray

	local vertsUsingFace = polyop.getVertsUsingFace
	local facesUsingVert = polyop.getFacesUsingVert
	local iso = #(), f, ff, flist

	f = firstBit faces
	flist = faces
	while not f.isEmpty do
		ff = facesUsingVert obj (vertsUsingFace obj f)
		ff *= faces
		flist -= ff
		f = if not (ff - f).isEmpty then ff else
			append iso ff
			firstBit (faces = flist)

anyone !? at least an idea or something…

Look for function like getFacesByEdge, that will tell you what faces sharing given edge.


Can’t you get the outline edges of the selections and then in edge mode just split?


i can do that but i don’t need that

see at 0:09 i select 4 polygons… if i do loop it loops correctly just in one direction… before if i did that it looped in both direction… now i filter the selection… if there are more the two polygons next to each other they are put in one variable… origFaces-2Faced… the i filter the edges for those polygons… so i get a nice loop/ring… the problem is when i have 4faces next to each other and another 4next to each other… the filter works just for the first group of polygons … because i only do edge[1]… to filter… so if i filter every group of polygons i can get nice loop/ring

Sorry haven’t got time to write this out properly this morning, but like a good morning problem solve to get my day started.

Bit of psuedo code to help you along, the theory should work…

--set inital arrays
 AR_packs = #()
 --set pack one first...
 pack = #()
 append pack face1ID
 append AR_packs pack
 --loop through faces....
 for i = 2 to faces.count do
 	--find my neighbour faces... (do this by getedgesbyface then getfacesbyedges excluding current face)
 	--loop through neighbour faces and try find them in each pack in AR_Packs
 	--once we find a neighbour face ID in one of the packs then add this id to the pack
 	--if we don't find the neighbour face IDs in any existing packs, make new pack and add me to it.

thanks DaveWortley will start working on it later, thanks again for the start

No worries, be nice to hear if it works!

well that sums it up… thanks denisT.