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[Closed] selecting objects with identical binding box
Jul 14, 2014 11:03 pm
I have to select objects with identical binding boxes – size and despite of i have found some approaches it seems it wont work. I need fast way to check this because I operate on heavy scenes with tons of objects. I found this code below but won’t work, can somebody correct it or give some clue please?
thearr = #()
theCol = for s in objects collect (s.max-s.min) –collect the bounding box of selected objects
for c = 1 to theCol.count do
for o in objects where (o.max-o.min) == theCol[c] do append theArr o
select theArr
I tried also:
for o in selection do for f in selection where f != o do
if (o.min == f.min) and (o.max == f.max) then …
but this select mesh with bindingboxes in this same place
1 Reply
Jul 14, 2014 11:03 pm
several suggestions: