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[Closed] selecting and transforming lights

I wonder how to:

Select light|s AND target|s and setting a new common pivot point and rotate them as a group.

Appreciate any help

9 Replies


maybe linking lights/targets to some heleper/gemetry and setting its pivot/rotation will do the job.


hi jk

Can this be done wholly through maxscript ?

I would like to avoid having to do a lot of setup BEFORE the script is run.

Yes, add some light and geometry to scene, run something like this:

$TPhotometricLight01.parent = $Box01
$Box01.rotation.x_rotation += 45

Next step is to make loop through some objectset (selection, lights), makes some checks like if classof object is something to setup parent when you want.



Thanks jk

However I have a problem figuring out how to script a target light WITH a target.
Any pointers to how this is done ?? (Yes I`m new at this)

You can check the .target property of the light.

No target:

hasProperty $TPhotometricLight01 “target” returns false

So, how do I create my target light WITH target ??

Well I don’t know why hasProperty returns false there, because .target is a common node property…
You can check if it has a target using:

$ != undefined

TPhotometricLight02 = Target_Light() != undefined | returns false

Target is nowehere to be found when creating a target light this way.

Figured it out:

TPhotometricLight02 = Target_Light() = Targetobject transform:(matrix3 [1,0,0] [0,1,0] [0,0,1] [11.783,39.8582,0]) != undefined | now returns true

Thanks for input guys !