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[Closed] select morpher targets problems

Hello all.
I have two small problems. I have in my ui a button that when is pressed it triggers a pickObject() command in order to allow the user to pick several targets for a morpher modifier. Here is the code:

	on theTarget pressed do
   		--see if a base object is selected
   		if theBase.object == undefined then
   			messageBox "Select a base object first" beep:false
   			theTargets = pickObject count:#multiple message:"select target objects" prompt:"select target objects" filter:containerFilter --select: true
   			--and display the number of selected objects on the button:
   			theTarget.text = theTargets.count as string + " objects selected"
   	)	-- end on theTarget pressed

1st problem: when I use the select: true option of the pickObject() then it only allows me to select 2 object and exits the command by itself. Otherwise, if I comment it out like I have it now it works fine…
2nd problem: How can I create a filter option so it selects objects that match the already selected base object (in terms of being suitable for morpher targets)? Actually, is that possible? Right now, the ‘containerFilter’ fn that I use just filters geometry objects…
