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[Closed] Select layers by prefix name

I’m still new to max script and I’m writing this function to select all nodes in layers that matches a given prefix name.

so far I’m able to find the right layers, I just don’t know how to select objects in these layer.

here’s my code :

  fn selectLayerPrefix str = (
  	local objArray = #()
  	for i= 1 to (LayerManager.count-1) where (
  		matchpattern (LayerManager.getLayer i).name pattern:(str+"*")
  	) do (
  		append objArray (LayerManager.getLayer i).nodes
  	select objArray
  selectLayerPrefix "LGT_"

so my array gives me: objArray: #(nodes(), nodes()), I just what ton know how to select them.


8 Replies

It’s a little weird, but nodes isn’t a property of a layer. It’s a function that assigns the array of nodes to a variable.

Also, you’ll want to use JOIN instead of APPEND since the select command doesn’t like arrays inside of arrays.

fn selectLayerPrefix str =
  	local objArray = #()
  	for i= 1 to (LayerManager.count-1) where
  		matchpattern (LayerManager.getLayer i).name pattern:(str+"*")
		(LayerManager.getLayer i).nodes &theNodes
  		join objArray theNodes
  	select objArray

selectLayerPrefix "LGT_"

nice explanation, it’s working like a charm!

I was searching something like this only.

A shorter version would be:

function selectNodesInsideLayerWithPrefix inPrefix = 
	local nodesInsideLayerWithPrefix = for nodeOn in objects where matchPattern pattern:(inPrefix +"*") collect nodeOn
	if nodesInsideLayerWithPrefix.count > 0 then 
		select nodesInsideLayerWithPrefix

selectNodesInsideLayerWithPrefix "LGT_"

if a function selects something by a condition it has to clear selection if nothing meets the criteria.

if list.count > 0 then select list else clearselection()

other way the selecting of empty list will keep the current selection, which is not correct.

Even shorter. With no arrays.

function selectLayerPrefix str = 
	for i = 1 to LayerManager.count-1 where matchPattern (LayerManager.getLayer i).name pattern:(str +"*") do (LayerManager.getLayer i).select on

selectLayerPrefix "Control"

more selection changed callbacks than by selecting all nodes at once

In my talk at EUE the year before last I detailed a layer control script that we used in production for many years. There are a lot of methods included that you could use for writing something similar.