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[Closed] Select Folder Dialog


Is it possible to open a “Select Folder…” Dialog, enabling the user to set a path that is used later in my script? I can’t find any info about this anywhere

edit: think the answer might have something to do with dot net… not that i can find much information about maxscript and the dotnet class though


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Where did you look for the info?

It is in “Standard Open and Save File Dialogs” topic.

thePath = getSavepath()

In Max 8 and higher, it also allows you to set the initial path to browse from, like

thePath = getSavepath initialDir:(GetDir #maxroot)

will start browsing in your Max root folder.

have just found some pages by bobo the god of maxscript with some good info –

seems this is only doable in max 9 btw

if anyone has anymore info on this, please share

uuurgh i cant believe i missed that – thanks bobo

k i feel stupid right now sorry for wasting time – ive only been looking for an answer to this for the last 3 hours