[Closed] select edges form couple arrays at once
After 6 hours of experimentation this give me headache, I get in to limbo. My script give me couple of arrays inside of main array with edges, e.g:
These edges belong to one object but different elements. Because of reasons I prefer not to explain right now(It’s long way to go) I have to select all those edges and perform poly.operation. Now question is how to select all those edges in one go. I tried already :
for o in edges_array do $.SetSelection #Edge o – dont work, select only one by one array $.SetSelection #Edge edges_arrays -- don
t work, select only last array
I also tried to throw all edges in to one array but eventually I failed. Best would be equivalent of select more for edges but I’m open for any ideas as I’m running out of solutions for this simple piece of code.
edges = #{}
for ee in edges_array do join edges (ee as bitarray)
node.selectededges = edges
Gloria 1 year of programming, one day of work and nothing. How long it took you to write this? Great thanks.
slight variation
edges = #();
for ee in edges_array do edges += ee;
node.selectededges = edges as bitarray;