[Closed] search for bitmap texture and replace
This only works for materials applied into scene objects (thus the scenematerials) if you want it to work in the materials present in the material editor slot that are not applied to any object in the scene, just change “scenematerials” to “meditmaterials” and it should work.
Had some free time…
rollout dRemoveBitmaps "Remove Bitmaps"
mapbutton choosemap "Select bitmap" tooltip:"Select bitmap to remove" width:120
checkbutton btn_scene "Scene" checked:true across:2
checkbutton btn_medit "MEdit" checked:false
button btn_doit "Do it!" align:#center
hyperlink hl_al "Artur Leão" address:"http://www.dimensao3.com/al" align:#center
local mapToSearch
on btn_scene changed state do
btn_medit.state = not state
on btn_medit changed state do
btn_scene.state = not state
on choosemap picked texmap do
print(classof texmap)
if classof(texmap) == BitmapTexture then
mapToSearch = texmap.filename
choosemap.caption = mapToSearch
choosemap.tooltip = choosemap.caption
else messageBox "You can't do it!"
on choosemap rightclick do
mapTosearch = ""
choosemap.caption = "Select bitmap"
choosemap.tooltip = "Select bitmap to remove"
on btn_doit pressed do
if choosemap.caption != "Select bitmap" then
case of
for i in scenematerials do
for m=1 to getNumSubTexmaps i where classof(getSubTexmap i m) == BitmapTexture do if (pathConfig.convertPathToLowerCase (getSubTexmap i m).filename) == (pathConfig.convertPathToLowerCase mapToSearch) then setSubTexmap i m undefined
for i in meditmaterials do
for m=1 to getNumSubTexmaps i where classof(getSubTexmap i m) == BitmapTexture do if (pathConfig.convertPathToLowerCase (getSubTexmap i m).filename) == (pathConfig.convertPathToLowerCase mapToSearch) then setSubTexmap i m undefined
createDialog dRemoveBitmaps
here is my version:
fn wipeBitmapTextures file:"" useFullPath:off =
if useFullPath do file = pathConfig.mapPaths.getFullFilePath file
for tx in (getclassinstances bitmaptexture asTrackViewPick:on) where iskindof tx.anim.filename String do
f = tx.anim.filename
if useFullPath do f = pathConfig.mapPaths.getFullFilePath f
if (pathConfig.pathsResolveEquivalent f file) do
for s=1 to tx.client.numsubs where tx.client[s].value == tx.anim do tx.client[s].value = undefined
wipeBitmapTextures file:@"c:\blabla.bla"
I have tried your code to delete all bitmap textures, but cant seem to get it to work.
I take it this is it’s function to delete “ALL” bitmap textures. If so I must be doing something wrong.
I’m still very new to maxscript, but I copy and pasted the code into the Editor window and hit Evaluate All. Normally seems to work.
Any ideas?
Many thanks
delete all texturemaps:
fn wipeAllBitmapTextures =
for tx in (getclassinstances bitmaptexture asTrackViewPick:on) do
for s=1 to tx.client.numsubs where tx.client[s].value == tx.anim do tx.client[s].value = undefined
Sorry Denis,
Still no luck. I get nothing happen when I Execute the code? I have tried both Standard and Vray materials, but all maps remain. Wierd?
i’m sure it works. probably you execute it wrong… execute the function definition first and call this function:
Must be a thing set up through work which is blocking it!
Keep getting error
– Error occurred in tx loop; filename: \(then a long network location)
– Frame:
– tx: TrackViewPick:“Diffuse map”
– called in wipeAllBitmapTextures(); filename: \(then a long network location)
– Frame:
** system exception **
try to run
getclassinstances bitmaptexture asTrackViewPick:on
do you have the same error message?
You did it! works great now.
Thanks a lot for your patience and help, much appreciated.
JForrester, if you’re new to maxscript, try copy pasting my above code and evaluate it, it will bring up a window and maybe it’s easier for you to work with.