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[Closed] search for bitmap texture and replace

hello people,
I want to suppress every “blabla.jpg” texture entry in every materials in the scene and set channel to undefined. This entry can be find in opacity, specular, bump…every channel.
But I dont want to set channel to undefined if it s anopther texture

I try following but failed

for o in objects do
for ( o.material.opacityMap == Bitmaptexture fileName:“E:\blabla.jpg”) do
o.material.opacityMap = undefined


23 Replies

mapToSearch = "E:\blabla.jpg"
Mats = getClassInstances Standardmaterial
for m in Mats do
 if (classOf m.opacityMap == Bitmaptexture) do
  if (m.opacityMap.fileName == mapToSearch) do
   (m.opacityMap = undefined)

that should do the trick

great!thank you! how can I extend the search to multimaterials?

	mapToSearch = "E:\blabla.jpg"
	for i in scenematerials do
		for m=1 to getNumSubTexmaps i where classof(getSubTexmap i m) == BitmapTexture do if (getSubTexmap i m).filename == mapToSearch then setSubTexmap i m undefined

This deletes the map from every material in the scene and from every map slot where it is. Cheers Loran!

don’t be so naive…
does “e:\blabla.JPG” equal “E:\blabla.jpg” or “E:/blabla.jpg” equal “E:\\blabla.jpg” ?

I hate you, for moments, after writing this snippet I thought “uau, this is how being Denis feels” and now you’ve ruined it hehe

But now that you’re here… ok I get the case stuff, just do a tolower and we’re done, but I’m not seeing how you can resolve the \ and //// issues

why do you think max developers added not long ago the pathconfig structure to the mxs?

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But the more you hate me, the more you will learn: I am hard, but I am fair!
(Full Metal Jacket, Stanley Kubrick)

Thanks Dennis, I’ll have a look at that tomorrow or better… today since I’m still awake and it’s morning… installing OSX on Windows is a pain Cyas!

Hey thank you guys
It s always a pleasure to ask something about maxscript down here. People answers quickly and so friendly…thks

actualy it s not working so well. the script delete the bitmap entry on the 1rst material only…

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