[Closed] SDK plugin instability with rapid input
I’m currently in the process of idiot-proofing my plugin, and I’ve noticed that in cases of an extremely quick sequence of user events, and especially in quick successions of undo/redo events, Max will end up crashing.
The output window shows the following message:
First-chance exception at 0x000007fefcd5b16d in 3dsmax.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: FNPNS::TSM::CDoesNotExistException at memory location etc.
where “etc” is a changing hex address.
What sort of issues might cause something like this?
Additionally, are there any general tips anyone can offer for improving plugin stability?
There is a great guide for writing stable plugins here:
That being said – I think first you should run it in either debug mode, or release mode through visual studio, and see if you can see exactly where it crashes.
It’s impossible for us to know anything about the crash without seeing any code.
Hard to say exactly where it crashes because a) it only happens when I spam the UI or hold down Ctrl-Z or Ctrl-Y, and b) it forcibly ends the debug session when it crashes.
However, that was a fantastic link you gave me. I am going to give it a very thorough reading, and bookmark it for future reference.