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[Closed] SDK – Render Output to Photoshop layers?


I am working on a tool that will going to output multiple render layers to photoshop PSD file format from max itself. but I dont know how it can be done, Pls guide me how it can be achieved by using 3DS Max SDK or Maxscript.

Thanks in Advance


3 Replies

you’re not going to have much luck with maxscript OR the SDK; you’ll want to work with an API that can write Photoshop files properly.
( maxscript can load layers, but not save them; see: BitmapLayerManager )

by-the-by, are you aware of cebas’ product that renders out to PSD with render elements?

it may have maxscript access control as well – not sure

I would suggest Adobe’s built-in Adobe ExtendScript language that was added to Photoshop 7 and later. This is an extension to the javascript language that currently allows you to automate Adobe After Effects, Audition, Bridge, Encore, Illustrator, Photoshop and Premiere. Unlike Actions in Photoshop, the javascript/ExtendScript combination allows you to make a truly professional user interface for your import tool, with dialogs, warnings, prompts, drop down lists, text entry, etc.

You can pretty easily export your 3D passes/elements to separate image files via Maxscript or the 3ds Max UI, then have your ExtendScript-based tool import/arrange/name them as layers/groups in a PSD (or in an After Effects composition).

Be warned that the ExtendScript docs assume that you either know or can figure out basic javascript on your own, as they focus on the Adobe extensions of javascript. Learning the basics will involve a lot more google searches than Maxscript, which has comprehensive docs in one place.

However, doing this through ExtendScript will be worth it if automating the PSD structure is the real challenge you want to overcome…

Thanks ZeeBox2 , Yes I am aware of this plugin from cebas but I am thinking of creating my own solution.

well you have mentioned API can you explain me in short whats the diffrence between API and SDK is? I only know that it is an Application programing Interface but don’t know more than that and I really like to know more.

JohnSwafford – Thanks you so much for your valuable solution of javascript I am definetly going to try it out.

I don’t know javascript much but I know how to program with C and C++ so i think this knowledge will help me to quickly grab it.

Thanks for your time
