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[Closed] SDK : Accessing custom attribute definition name
Jul 30, 2013 1:55 pm
I would need to access the def name of a custom attributes but I can figure out how to do it. I only found how to access its name.
Here is the custAttribs array of the object I process. The name I want to get is “Lightmap CA”.
#CustAttribs(Lightmapped Object CA:Lightmapped Object, Lightmap CA:maisons1)
I used that function but it works only when both atribute “def name” and name are matching :
CustAttrib* CustomAttributesEvaluator::GetCustomAttribute (INode* node, const TCHAR* caDefName)
ICustAttribContainer* p_attrContainter = node->GetCustAttribContainer();
if( p_attrContainter )
int numCAs = p_attrContainter->GetNumCustAttribs();
for( int i=-1; ++i<numCAs; )
CustAttrib* p_attr = p_attrContainter->GetCustAttrib( i );
const TCHAR* currentAttribName = p_attr->GetName(); // gives me "maisons1", not "Lightmap CA"
if ( _tcsicmp( currentAttribName, caDefName) == 0 )
return p_attr;
return NULL ;
Thanks in advance, guys !
2 Replies
Jul 30, 2013 1:55 pm
I didn’t see your post.
Finally I got it working by testing the attribute ClassID to be sure I am getting the right attribute.
CustAttrib* CustomAttributesEvaluator::GetCustomAttribute (INode* node, const Class_ID caID)
ICustAttribContainer* p_attrContainter = node->GetCustAttribContainer();
if( p_attrContainter )
int numCAs = p_attrContainter->GetNumCustAttribs();
for( int i=-1; ++i<numCAs; )
CustAttrib* p_attr = p_attrContainter->GetCustAttrib( i );
if ( p_attr->ClassID() == caID )
return p_attr;
return NULL ;
But still, I ask myself how to get this definition name from a CustAttrib…