[Closed] scroll scrollbar & rollup/rolldown subrollout ?
I have dot net textbox with scrollbar. Now I want to automatically(or manually, i prefer automatically) scroll text down when I print some
text to textbox which is out of visible textbox area to allow user to see
see last printed text on the bottom of textbox in such case. Is it any properties to achieve it like:
dotnetobj.ScrollBars.automaticscroll=true; my code for scroll bar look in this way.
I tried various combination from : http://www.scriptspot.com/bobo/mxs9/dotNet/DotNetControls.html
but I can’t figure this out by my self somehow.
dotNetControl mylabel “System.Windows.Forms.Textbox” pos:[471,0] width:321 height:890 align:#center – MONITOR
mylabel.Font = dotNetObject “System.Drawing.Font” “MS Sans Serif” 8 ((dotNetClass “System.Drawing.FontStyle”).Regular)
mylabel.MultiLine = true
mylabel.WordWrap = true
mylabel.ScrollBars = (dotNetClass “System.Windows.Forms.ScrollBars”).Vertical
mylabel.Text = “here will be very long text added”
Second thing is I can’t rollup – rolldown or make invisible sub rollout but I have to, I only need right command on this like:
subrolloutname.rollup=true or something like that
I have seen such code somewhere but I can`t dig it up again.