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[Closed] scripting vray render parms

Hi list not sure where I am going wrong with this I have noticed some parmeters I can change others I cannot ie items in the common tab of the render settings , any pointers ?

fn rendersettings = 
	renderers.current = VRay()
	renderers.medit_locked = true
	local v = renderers.current
	---- set common parmeters -------
	v.output_aspect = 1.0
	v.pixel_aspect = 1.0
	v.output_aspectlock = 1
	---------------- set GI vray ---------
	v.gi_primary_type = 0
	v.gi_secondary_type = 3
	v.gi_irradmap_minRate = -4
	v.gi_irradmap_maxRate = -1

Right now it does not make sense ! Unless the common parms are tied to something else ie not vray dependant, if that is the case, its not clear to me in the docs where I should focus to set parms for the render tab.

I have found there are globals for the common tab and you have to keep the render dialogue shut while running scripts ?!?? WTF . I also note that it seems there is no way to set the Aperture Width(mm) parm and not even a way to access the dropdown preset menu ! .


6 Replies

Common tab is for all renderers.
Check“Render Setup Dialog”

Yes… to maxscript Common tab, you have to close dialog.
It is known limitation.

You can not control dropdown menu of Aperture Width because it is just UI preset.
But, you can set any numner width[i]

setRendApertureWidth[/i] <float>

interesting , no matter what I try I get or no errors and the SetRendApertureWidth does nothing

Unknown property: "SetRendApertureWidth"


that’s a global function not vray param.

I know that .

 22.12 = setRendApertureWidthsetRendApertureWidth

Trying this though I do not get a proper float value instead I get rounding of the value to 22 but then cam01.focal_length = 28.0 , gives me 28.01 in the camera parameters. Why doesnt Max seem to be able to handle correct float inputs ?


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Posts: 0

You need to do this since it is “function”. Width number need to be supplied as argument.
setRendApertureWidth 22.12

In max, focal_length is just for display purpose.
Internally max only cares about fov value.
That looks like just display rounding.

Thanks for the pointer set is much like vex then in Houdini ~
