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[Closed] scripting vertex animation not easy

i have been reading the maxscript reference on scripting vertex animation for 3 days only to fand out that drawing inferences about other cases from one instance in maxscript is soooo

when scripting mesh vertex,i can do like this:

	animateVertex $sphere01 50
	animate on
	   for t=1 to 100 do
			at time t meshop.setVert themesh #(50) [20,20,t]node:$sphere01 
			--there,you must use meshop.setVert() insteadof setVert(),--for the latter doesnt record animation.This is my try_and_fail experience,not from
 --maxscript reference.


But when it comes to spline vertex ,there is no correspondence function like splineop.setknot() to set knot animation,and the

setKnotPoint theline 1 3 [20,20,t]

expression doesnt record animation either.
i know,i can set key for the Spline_1___InVec_1 (it sucks,isnt it) frame by frame,but is it
better to keep the procedure of scripting animation of vertex (mesh vertex,poly vertex,spline knots)consistent instead of we searching through the document and trying
again and again to find out the very different method of animating three (or more) kinds of vertex ?

Maybe im too much annoyed,after all ,each vertex can be animated, this way or that way. :banghead: