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[Closed] Scripting Rollouts for tabs

if you interested i can show how simply modify my sample to make it work with tabs…

Yeah that would be greatly appreciated. I’m trying to explore and see all possible routes before making a decision and going with it. So this example would be great to see.

There’s an example here in the forum from Bobo or Denis that I think it uses the .visible property of the subrollouts or rollouts, can’t quite remember. It’s main structure is basically what’s written on the maxscript help with that minor cosmetic change.

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here is another way… using rollout border style:

 try(closeRolloutFloater dialog) catch()
struct rolloutData (this, title, open = off, border = on, controls = #())
struct controlData (this, data, enabled, visible)

global main, dialog
rollout main "main"
	local secA, secB 
	rollout secA "A"
		local data = if data != undefined do data
		radiobuttons rb labels:#("High", "Low") across:2
		spinner sp "A: " range:[0,1e9,1] type:#integer fieldwidth:40
		on secA close do data = main.getRolloutData secA
		on secA open do if data != undefined do main.setRolloutData data
	rollout secB "B"
		local data = if data != undefined do data
		checkbox cb "Enabled" checked:on across:2
		spinner sp "B: " range:[0,1e9,2] type:#integer fieldwidth:40
		on secB close do data = main.getRolloutData secB
		on secB open do if data != undefined do main.setRolloutData data

	fn getControlData control = 
		data = case (classof control) of
				#(#value, control.value),
				#(#range, control.range)
				#(#tristate, control.tristate),
				#(#controller, control.controller)
				#(#state, control.state)
		controlData this:control data:data enabled:control.enabled visible:control.enabled
	fn getRolloutData rol = 
		controls = for c in rol.controls where (data = getControlData c) != undefined collect data
		rolloutData this:rol title:rol.title controls:controls
	fn setRolloutData data = if data != undefined and iskindof (rol = data.this) RolloutClass do
		rol.title = data.title
		for c in data.controls where (finditem rol.controls c.this) != 0 do
			if != undefined do for d in do setproperty c.this d[1] d[2]
			c.this.enabled = c.enabled
			c.this.visible = c.visible
		) = 
	dotnetcontrol tb "TabControl" width:200 height:24 pos:[10,0] 
	fn stateRollout rol dialog:dialog state:on =
		(if state then addrollout else removerollout) rol dialog border:off
	on tb selected s e do
		case e.TabPageIndex of
				stateRollout secB state:off
				stateRollout secA state:on
				stateRollout secA state:off
				stateRollout secB state:on
	fn updateRolloutStates = 
		tb.TabIndex = case of 
			(finditem dialog.rollouts secA != 0): 0
			(finditem dialog.rollouts secB != 0): 1
	on main open do
		tb.itemSize = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Size" 40 20
		tb.TabPages.add "A"
		tb.TabPages.add "B"
dialog = newrolloutfloater "Dynamic" 202 200
addrollout main dialog border:off
addrollout main.secA dialog border:off

Edit… Made rollouts A and B local to main Rollout…

Here it is

Sorry if this is the same Denis posted but I can’t scroll whats on Code tags on the iPad.

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Use two fingers to scroll them;)

These are all great ideas. I’m going to build out some concept and see what I come up with. I’ll be sure to share it with you guys and let you know how it works as well.


Haha! Awesome, thanks Paul!

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