[Closed] scripting general preferences ?
Hello guys, well i’m not in to maxscripting but i would like to know if i can make a script or something that can help me to save some preferences in the general preferences, i would like to make the gamma change to 2.2 and then change it back to 1.8, a toggle if you will, is there a script or something that would let me do this ?? i would like to save it for a shortcut key or a button, thanks for any help.
macroScript toggleGamma category:“Toggle Gamma” toolTip:“Toggles the Gamma” =
if displaygamma == 2.2 then
displaygamma = FileInGamma = fileOutGamma = 1.0
else if displaygamma == 1.0 then
displaygamma = FileInGamma = fileOutGamma = 2.2
does this work?
thanks, i don’t have the time to check right now but i will see it, thank you again.