[Closed] Scripted Plug-in "this" local variable
local variables accessible in all scripted plug-ins:
this = Yields the instance of the scripted plug-in. (from the max script help)
I have a scripted plug in (thinking particles script operator) and I want to store the (refs.dependentNodes this)[1] as a variable using the create event handler. But the on create event handler returns undefined, it’s only when I use a on Rollout create event handler, that the “this” variable returns what I’m after.
Is this normal for “this” to return undefined using the on create event handler? or is thinkingParticle evaluating the Scripted Plug-in in a weird way.
I just want to store the first refs.dependentNodes, without the user having to open the rollout, when the node is created.
Yup this is expected behaviour. Me and Denis discussed a hacky workaround a few months back, though I can’t remember the thread title.