[Closed] scripted material map in viewport issue
Hi gang. I’m having a little trouble with a fancy material I’m creating.
I have a scripted material plugin that extends the standard mat. Based on user input, I put one of a number of maps in the diffuse slot. The trouble I’m having is that the viewports don’t update when I switch out the materials. The proper map shows up in the material editor and when I render, but in the viewport, the initial map is always there. I’ve tried calling showTextureMap and redrawViews() after I switch the maps (and even by hand in the listener), but it doesn’t help. Even if I reset max and open the file again, the map in the viewports doesn’t match the map in the material editor / render.
Any thoughts?
If anyone’s interested, it turns out this is a problem with Bercon maps which aren’t properly updating in the ui. It doesn’t happen with “regular” maps.
Sorry I read this yesterday and didn’t get a chance to respond. I was going to say that I have set up a character pipeline that required the changing of maps per frame with on hundreds of objects with hundreds of maps without a problem. Good to know that you have not run into anything new. You can see the UI to the material at the bottom of this page,