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[Closed] Script throws error first time starting – Materials and MaterialLibrary

Hey guys,

so once again I need your help. For work I am writing a script that adds a composite layer node between a texture and a standardMaterial that is attached to a multi-material. I did not fully write this script but modified it from my predecessor who initially had to write this script. I do understand all functions and what it does, and mostly it works great. There are only two issues I would like to fix.

First, when I start the script for the first time it crashes at a specific line. If I then restart it runs through fine.
Second, if there is already a composite note attached it will attach a second node next to it.

This s the code here:

    fn CreateAndConnectComposite mat = 
            --print ("[CreateAndConnectComposite] ")
    -- 	We can use 'print (showProperties mat) as string' to get all the properties of an object
            diffuseBitmap = mat.diffuseMap
            compositeDiffuse = compositeTexturemap()
            compositeDiffuse.mapList = #(diffuseBitmap, ctl_composite_aoBitmap)
            compositeDiffuse.blendMode = #(0, 5)
            mat.diffuseMap = compositeDiffuse

    fn SubmatCheck matArray =
            --print ("[SubmatCheck] ...")
            if matArray != undefined do
                    for submat in matArray do
                            if submat != undefined do 
                                    GetStandardMaterial submat

    fn CheckMaterialVadility mat = 
            --print ("[CheckMaterialVadility] " + mat as string)
            isShell = (matchPattern (mat as string) pattern:"*Shell_Material*" ignoreCase: true)
            if (isShell == false) do 
                    isMulti = (matchPattern (mat as string) pattern:"*Multi/Sub-Object*" ignoreCase:true)
                    if (isMulti == false) do 
                            alreadyComposite = ((mat.diffuseMap as string) == (compositeMap() as string))
                            if (alreadyComposite == false) do 
                                    CreateAndConnectComposite mat

    fn GetStandardMaterial mat =
            --print ("[GetStandardMaterial] " + mat as string)
            if (hasProperty mat "materialList") then 
                    for submat in mat do 
                            if submat != undefined do
                                    if 	((hasProperty submat "materialList") == false) then 
                                            CheckMaterialVadility submat
                                            append submatArray submat
                    if (submatArray.count > 0) do 
                            --print ("[GetStandardMaterial] There are submat-submats!")
                            SubmatCheck submatArray
                    CheckMaterialVadility mat

on ctl_btn_StartAddingComposite pressed do
    -- Start Adding Composite Materials
    fileName = (getFilenameFile maxfilename)			
    fileName = ctl_composite_texturePath + fileName + ctl_composite_textureSuffix + ctl_composite_textureFileType
    ctl_composite_aoBitmap = bitmaptexture filename:fileName
    ctl_composite_aoBitmap.coordinates.mapChannel = 2
    sceneMaterialArray = sceneMaterials
    SubmatCheck sceneMaterialArray

The line where the first issue pops up is “GetStandardMaterial submat” under fn SubMatCheck() as it returns GetStandardMaterial as undefined.
I talked to Swordslayer about this issue and he pointed out that I should use updateSceneMaterialLib(), but that didnt help either. I am stuck with this one as I encountered this issue before in another script and didn’t find a solution.

The other issue is the duplicating Composite Layers. My predecessor already implemented a check as fn CheckMaterialValidity(), but that does not seem to work anymore. Any pointers why?

I really appreciate all the help for those two issues. Cheers.

2 Replies

try this one instead

	fn addComposite mtl aomap = 
		case classof mtl.diffuseMap of
			CompositeTexturemap: () -- do nothing since it is already a composite map
				mtl.diffuseMap = compositeTexturemap mapList:#( mtl.diffuseMap, aomap ) blendMode:#(0, 5)
	fileName = @"C:/sometexture.jpg"

	-- put this two lines inside the For loop if you need all AO bitmaptexures NOT to be instances
	ctl_composite_aoBitmap = bitmaptexture filename:fileName 
	ctl_composite_aoBitmap.coordinates.mapChannel = 2
	for mtl in SceneMaterials do
		case classof mtl of
			Standardmaterial: addComposite mtl ctl_composite_aoBitmap
			MultiSubMaterial: for submtl in mtl where submtl != undefined and isKindOf submtl Standardmaterial do addComposite submtl ctl_composite_aoBitmap

You just made my day… Thank you so much!

Works flawlessly. I dont know why this was not more obvious to me, but thanks anyway. Again, I learned something.