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[Closed] script slowdown on making polys


Chris, crap, that’s a shame… ! Never thought of vert order… I know Martijn van Herk once made a tool to “realign” the vert order of an object with another one… don’t know if that’s something you can use here…


double post

double post

Sorry for all the double posts… nothing posted until a day later so I kept trying…

Hi I am having a most similar problem and I would be very interested in a solution. I have a script that extrudes polys in a loop and it starts chugging really bad when the face count gets even moderately high. Around 30k like 3rd Dementia said is very very slow. I have done everything else to optimize it but it still can be very slow.

By looking at how an Editable Poly Mesh is structured (MNMesh in sdk), it stores a bunch of int arrays and Tab<int> arrays to get the relations between verts, edges and faces. Every time you add a polygon with ‘polyOp.createPolygon’ all these arrays have to be updated or incremented. In the latest case, since standard arrays aren’t dynamic structures in C++, they are completely rewritten somewhere else, where a chunk of contiguous memory big enough to store each of them found. I guess the increasing time for each operation depends on this, and can’t find a way to avoid it by MaxScript. Anyway, I hope to be wrong.

I think that sounds like what I’m running into. Is there really no way around this bottleneck?

I have been trying to think of a way to implement JHN’s trick for splitting the mesh but I need to have every poly available as the next possible extrusion so I cannot think of how to get it to work without constantly reattaching and detaching things.

I really hope someone can share some kind of magic here.

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