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[Closed] script changes modifier for all objects in scene
Jul 19, 2013 7:03 pm
I´ve a scene with a multiple objects and i want to set, all objects with meshsmooth, render iterations parameter to 2 cause is setted in 3 and is very much.
5 Replies
Jul 19, 2013 7:03 pm
Hello Jonathan,
Try this:
fn changeMeshSmoothIterations iterations:0 = (
for node in where iskindof node GeometryClass do (
for theMod in node.modifiers where classof theMod == MeshSmooth do (
idx = modPanel.getModifierIndex node theMod
(node.modifiers[idx]).iterations = iterations
changeMeshSmoothIterations iterations:2
3 Replies
Sorry but i dont understand your request DenisT
i need to set the iterations to 0 and the render iterations to 2, for each object that contains meshsmooth in the scene.
actually it’s yours request
if you don’t want to be a max scripter just use this…
ts = getclassinstances TurboSmooth
ts.iterations = 0
ts.renderIterations = 2
if you want… go to the max script help, check what getclassinstances and TurboSmooth are, and check all Turdo Smooth modifier properties. also you can search this forum for “TurboSmooth” and find another similar discussions.