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[Closed] Scene Redraw

I need to do something similar, using the Edit_Poly modifier, and it’s soo slow! Using Redraw + undo off, doesn’t make much difference.

None of the following work for me. 3dsmax 9 sp2

suspendEditing which:<panel_name> alwaysSuspend:
 resumeEditing which:<panel_name> alwaysSuspend:
 windows.sendmessage (windows.getmaxhwnd()) WM_SETREDRAW 0 0
 sleep 1
 windows.sendmessage (windows.getmaxhwnd()) WM_SETREDRAW 1 0
 commandHWND = windows.getChildHWND #max "Command Panel"
 windows.sendmessage commandHWND[1]  WM_SETREDRAW 0 0
 windows.sendmessage commandHWND[1]  WM_SETREDRAW 1 0

The first stops the edit_poly script working. The 2nd and 3rd error on Windows.getChildHWND and windows.getmaxhwnd says only valid functions are windows.sendmessage and addChild.

What am I missing?

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