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[Closed] Scale to desired (integer) size

Im sure there has to be a script for this or has been discussed somewhere. A search didn’t help.

Im looking for a script (if it exists) that scales the object/selection to an integer size.


F.e. Grab objects with 22.22 / 33.33 / 44.44 wdh sizes. Launch the script and fill-out the desired height or width or depth in a clean integer 22 / 33 / 44 format.

Objects should scale from center/bottom (but if that is optionable that would be good too)

Any scripts like that out there?

3 Replies

Try it by yourself, I think it is quite easy

Free modifier – Dimension
Free script – Dimension
Commersial script – miauu’s Scale Tool + video1 + video2

Thanks for the replies.

@batigoInguyen: Yeah was considering at first, but just thought Id check to see if there is a script already finished. Saves me some time.

@miauu: Thanks for the link, your script looks fantastic btw.