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[Closed] Scale the verts "brake" the node local boundingbox. Why?

As you can see in the gif image, when I use the script to scale the box(converted to Editable_Poly) there is no problem. The script get all verts of the box and move them to new positions.
Then I move some verts of the box and use the same code again to scale the box, but this time the box is scaled, but its boundingbox do not update. When I convert the box to editable_poly the bbox is updated.

The code, that I use:

   	local curObj = selection[1]
   	local allObjVerts = #{1..(polyop.getNumVerts curObj)}				
   	local poGetVert = polyOp.getVert
   	local poSetVert = polyOp.setVert
   	local objCenter = [0,0,0]
   	local vPosArr = #()
   	for v in allObjVerts do
   		vpos = poGetVert curObj v
   		append vPosArr vPos
   		objCenter += vPos
   	objCenter /= vPosArr.count			
   	local newMatrix = (transMatrix -objCenter)*(scaleMatrix [2,2,2])
   	local cnt = 0
   	for v in allObjVerts do ( poSetVert curObj v ( ( vPosArr[cnt += 1] * newMatrix )+objCenter) )

Am I doing something wrong?

14 Replies

add update after all. does it help?

Update does not help at all.
Using this

for v in allObjVerts do ( poSetVert curObj v ( ( vPosArr[cnt += 1] * newMatrix )+objCenter) )
update ObjToScale

at the end of the code do not update the bbox.
Or, maybe there is another method to update the editable poly?

2 Replies
Joined: 11 months ago

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there is no any other. well… convert to poly. that has to update for sure.

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notifydependents curobj partid:#geom

Yes, converting to EP solve the problem, but I am curious why this happen.
Denis, about my PM, I will try to do what you offer me. Thank you.

notifydependents curObj partid:#geom
notifydependents curObj partid:#all

not work. The bbox is not updated.

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Joined: 11 months ago

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hmm… updates for me. what max version do you use? what viewport driver is?

PS. simple update works as well.
max 2010/64 and 2012/64, Direct3D.

Yes, works on max2009 Direct3D, but not work on max2012 and 2013 Nitrous.

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

that’s a Nitrous problem. A lot of things don’t work with Nitrous.

but I tested in max 2012/64 with Nitrous. it works without any update. Graphic Card / Driver issue?

Driver Version 296.10

I hope the problem will be on my PC only.

Thank you/


Does applying an xForm modifier and scaling the gizmo work?

When I apply the XForm the bbox of the object automatically updates. No need to scale the gizmo. But appplying modifiers to update the bbox is not a solution.


It is not a solution it is a work around and isn’t that what Max is all about:)

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