[Closed] scale as modifier for object
I’m not to much into max script.
What I’m trying is just take some parameters from my object out to Parameter-Collector to have them all together.
I want to scale my object before UVW-Maps are added in stack. Now I am looking for a modifier that lets me scale my object, but who’s parameters I can get onto the Parameter-Collector (PC). I thought of an simple FFD, but there you can’t get the positions of the controll-points to the PC. Is there any other easy trick to have a scale somewhere inside your stack which can be controlled by PC?
The XForm modifier is supposed to be used each time you need transformations in the modifier stack. The only thing to change to be able to use with the PC is to go to TrackView, locate the XForm modifier’s gizmo tracks and assign a ScaleXYZ controller to the Scale track so you can grab its sub-tracks in the PC.
Just tried and it scales nicely…
I really, really wish the pos, rot and scale values for x, y and z were available in the modifier stack interface. Ah well.
- Neil