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[Closed] saving data-adding CA to the root or to the global tracks

i been moving of using the persitent gloabl and i read the sample of the help
“[color=white][font=Verdana]Using scripted CAs for persistent data storage”[/color][/font][color=white][b][font=Verdana] [size=2]and check how blur di save the dat on his onion script.

the guys of blur are not saving the dat to the root node the are saving it to the global tracks.

 SMData = attributes "SMData"	
 				--	version
 				parameters main rollout:blank
 					LayerName type:#StringTab tabSizeVariable:true	animatable:false			--array of strings.
 					GroupName type:#StringTab tabSizeVariable:true	animatable:false			--Array of strings.					
 				rollout blank "blank"
 custAttributes.add globaltracks SMData  
 globaltracks.SMData .LayerName =#("cinco", "saas")
 globaltracks.SMData .GroupName = #("aaaas", "aaaa")

i found easier to understand the code for adding CA to the global tracks, is any benefit of adding the CA to the root that will make it better.

1 Reply

this is the code for adding to the root of the max scene. copied for the help.

sceneDataCADef = attributes sceneDataCADef version:1 attribID:#(0x61e9ff5f, 0x63784819)


parameters main rollout:params

( note type:#string ui:et_note default:"" )

rollout params "Scene Data Parameters"

( edittext et_note "Note: " )



thescene = (refs.dependents rootnode)[1]

rootNodeDataCA = undefined

if (custattributes.add rootnode sceneDataCADef) do

 rootNodeDataCA = rootnode.custAttributes[rootnode.custAttributes.count]

sceneDataCA = undefined

if (custattributes.add thescene sceneDataCADef) do

 sceneDataCA = thescene.custAttributes[thescene.custAttributes.count]



rootNodeDataCA.note = "rootnode"

sceneDataCA.note = "thescene"

i found it much more complex.