[Closed] Save spinner Settings – revisited
I was hoping to save my spinner settings by creating a rcmenu
rcmenu RC_Menu_Main
submenu “File”
menuitem File_Open “Open …”
menuitem File_Save “Save …”
separator sp1
menuitem File_Exit “Exit”
in combination with
fn saveSettings =
setINISetting INIFilename “Home” “W_C_D” (SPN_W_C_D.value as string)
setINISetting INIFilename “Home” “Advance” (SPN_Stride_Advance.value as string)
fn loadSettings =
try(SPN_W_C_D.value = (getINISetting INIFilename "Home" "W_C_D" ) as float)catch()
try(SPN_Stride_Advance.value = (getINISetting INIFilename "Home" "Advance") as float)catch()
the rcmenu is defined BEFORE the rollout and the values that need saving are IN the rollout so loadSettings() and saveSettings() don’t eval properly, of course.
I could use a button generated in the rollout but that negates the point of using the rcmenu…
Any pointers?
It’s all a mater of correctly dealing with variable scope. One way could be to access the values directly inside the rollout so that instead of “SPN_W_C_D.value as string” you use “rolloutName.SPN_W_C_D.value as string”; where rolloutName is of course the variable that holds the rollout.
when using an ini file to store some value, I never could convert it as a float or something different than a string.
but with “execute” it’s working fine.
RC_Menu_Main . SPN_W_C_D.value = (execute(getINISetting INIFilename "Home" "W_C_D"))
No need to use execute in this case:
s = "10"
i = s as integer
>> 10
f = s as float
>> 10.0
Avoid execute as long as you can for simple data types and large loops. For something like a matrix3 value in string I think you can only use execute.
my bad, I was thinking about booleans.
Actually I’m doing the same with floats or integers
Fe = (getinisetting MyInitest "Section" "Key") as float