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[Closed] RTT Switching between Scanline and Mental Ray AO Bake

Hey Everybody,

I am trying to figure out how to tell the RTT system to render out an AO map using a light map when using the Scanline renderer and Ambient Occlusion(MR) map when using Mental Ray. I can get it to kind of work by using some like this…

if foo = true
  Run some code..

if nfoo = true
 Run some other code...

But this codes cause a lot of issues and I think it’s because the way above the script just runs it all. Now if I do something like this…

if foo = true then
  Run some code..

else if nfoo = true then
 Run some other code...

The first part will run but it will not run the second part of the code and I have no idea what I am doing incorrectly. Here is the main code that I am working I have cleaned it up so that it’s not too long to look at. Yes I know it could probably be coded better but I am still in the learning process.

Global SLR = false
Global MRR = false

-- Makes sure that we have only one window open at a time. 
if (( mainRoll != undefined) and ( mainRoll.isdisplayed)) do
(destroyDialog mainRoll ) -- test if dialog exist 

--Moved this up here because it was causing lots of errors down below. 
--global n = $.name as string

rollout mainRoll  "Unreal Multi Tool"
	group "Change Render" -- define change render buttons
		  button butScanline "Scanline" 	 align:#left  across:2 width:70 height:20 
		  button butMR "Mental Ray" 		 align:#left width:70 height:20
		fn checkRender nSearch =  -- function check if render installed 
			theRenderer = for obj in RendererClass.classes where 
			  (matchPattern (obj as string) pattern:nSearch) -- check if the name in nSearch variable exist
				collect  obj
				if theRenderer.count ==1
				   then  renderers.current = theRenderer[1]()
				 (messageBox "render not  installed")
		on butScanline pressed do 
		SLR = true

		-- Set the Render Engine to be Scaneline
		renderers.production = Default_Scanline_Renderer()
		--These are the Advanced Ligthing settings
		SceneRadiosity.radiosity = Light_Tracer()
		-- Check to make sure that we have the correct render engine installed 
		varScan = "*Scanline*"
		checkRender varScan
		-- Set the sampleing size of the light tracer
		SceneRadiosity.radiosity.initial_sample_spacing = 0
		-- These are the Render options
		renderers.production.globalSamplerEnabled = true
		renderers.production.globalSamplerClassByName = "Hammersley"
		--This makes a skylight and sets it to be white. 
		select $Sky*
		max delete
		Skylight pos:[0,0,0] isSelected:off
		select $Sky001
		$.color = color 255 255 255
		--$.hide = true
		hideByCategory.lights = true
		on butMR pressed do 
		MRR = true
		-- Set the Render Engine to be Scaneline
		renderers.production = mental_ray_renderer()
		varMR = "*mental_ray*"
		checkRender varMR
		renderers.production.BoxFilterWidth  = 1.0
		renderers.production.BoxFilterHeight = 1.0
		renderers.production.FinalGatherEnable2 = true
		select $Sky*
		max delete
		Skylight pos:[0,0,0] isSelected:off
		select $Sky001
		$.color = color 255 255 255

		group "Render To Texture Setup"
			button hp "High Poly" align:#left width:85 height:20
			button lp "Low Poly" align:#left width:85 height:20
			edittext SourcePath1 "Export File Location :" text: "<Select Valid source path>" fieldWidth:150  align:#left  readOnly:true labelOnTop:true
			button browse1 "Browse" align:#left width:85 height:20 
			spinner cage "Cage Offset" align:#left width:70 height:20
			colorpicker csRayMissColor "Ray Miss Color" align:#left  fieldwidth:15 height:15 color:black
		group "Render Texture Maps"
			spinner size "Map Size" range:[0,4096,128] align:#center width:70 height:20
			button butAO "AO Map"      align:#left  across:2 width:70 height:20 
			button butNO "Normal" align:#left width:70 height:20
		On hp pressed do
			fn geometryHP  = isKindOf obj Geometry 
				theGeo1 = selectByName title:"Select High Poly" buttonText:"Select Mesh"  showHidden:false single:true
				global theProjObj = theGeo1
		On lp pressed do
			fn geometryLP  = isKindOf obj Geometry 
				theGeo2 = selectByName title:"Select Low Poly" buttonText:"Select Mesh"   showHidden:false single:true
				global theObj = theGeo2
		on butAO pressed do
				if (ClassOf theObj.modifiers[1]) != projection do
					-- add project modifier and projection objects
					 fn addProjMod lowResObj highResObjs cageOffset =
						modMode = getCommandPanelTaskMode()
						setCommandPanelTaskMode #modify
						projMod = projection()
						addModifier lowResObj projMod
						for obj in highResObjs do
							projMod.addObjectNode obj
							projMod.pushCage cage.value 
							projMod.displayCage = true = "ProjMod"
							setCommandPanelTaskMode modMode
							-- This is our retun for later. 
					 messagebox"Not all items filled in with data"
				 if (ClassOf theObj.modifiers[1]) == projection do
					fn addProjMod lowResObj highResObjs cageOffset =
						--projMod = projection()

					 -- define variables
					 renderSize = size.value
					 fileName = + "_AO.tga"
					 filePath = SourceDirectoryName_STR1
					 -- the bake object needs to be selected	
					 select theObj
					 -- set up the bake interfaces
					 bakeProps = theObj.INodeBakeProperties
					 bakeProjProps = theObj.INodeBakeProjProperties
					if SLR = true  then
						MRR = false
					 --  add type of map to render
						mapLM = LightingMap()
						mapLM.shadowsOn =true --enable shadows
						mapLM.filename = fileName
					 mapLM.fileType = filePath + filename
						 messagebox"Please select a place to export your image"
					 -- map size
					 mapLM.outputSzX = renderSize
					 mapLM.outputSzY = renderSize
					 mapLM.enabled = true
					 --New options that I need to look up what they do.
					 mapLM.filterOn = true --enable filtering
					 bakeProps.addBakeElement mapLM --add first element
					 bakeProps.bakeEnabled = true --enabling baking
					 bakeProps.bakeChannel = 1 --channel to bake
					 bakeProps.nDilations = 1 --expand the texture a bit
					 bakeProjProps.rayMissColor = csRayMissColor.color
					 --  projection
					 bakeProjProps.enabled = true
					 bakeProjProps.projectionMod = (addProjMod theObj #(theProjObj) 1)
					 -- If this is not run when you make adjsutments to the cage they will not be saved. 
					 --  open and close RTT "Render" "BakeDialog"
					 destroyDialog gTextureBakeDialog
					-- the bake object needs to be selected	
					select theObj
					 -- do the render
					render rendertype:#bakeSelected frame:0  vfb:true progressBar:true  outputSize:[renderSize, renderSize] cancelled:&wasCanceled
					 else if MRR = true  then
						SLR = false
						mapAO = Ambient_Occlusion() 
						mapAO.samples = 128 
						mapAO.filename = fileName
					 mapAO.fileType = filePath + filename
						 messagebox"Please select a place to export your image"
					 -- map size
					 mapAO.outputSzX = renderSize
					 mapAO.outputSzY = renderSize
					 mapAO.enabled = true
					 --New options that I need to look up what they do.
					 mapAO.filterOn = true --enable filtering
					 bakeProps.addBakeElement mapAO --add first element
					 bakeProps.bakeEnabled = true --enabling baking
					 bakeProps.bakeChannel = 1 --channel to bake
					 bakeProps.nDilations = 1 --expand the texture a bit
					 bakeProjProps.rayMissColor = csRayMissColor.color
					 --  projection
					 bakeProjProps.enabled = true
					 bakeProjProps.projectionMod = (addProjMod theObj #(theProjObj) 1)
					 -- If this is not run when you make adjsutments to the cage they will not be saved. 
					 --  open and close RTT "Render" "BakeDialog"
					destroyDialog gTextureBakeDialog
					-- the bake object needs to be selected	
					select theObj
					 -- do the render
					render rendertype:#bakeSelected frame:0  vfb:true progressBar:true  outputSize:[renderSize, renderSize] cancelled:&wasCanceled

					 -- file name
	createDialog  mainRoll  177  575

I think I am pretty close on this but I just have no idea what I might be doing wrong. As always any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.

2 Replies

Did you tried RTTAssist? You can find it in my signature. The script is not encrypted and you can see the code. The script provides an option to bake AO with MR and other map types with Scanline in one session.

1 Reply
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No I have not and I am looking into it now, however I can only see the .mzp which is an encrypted file correct? I think so because when I open it I can not read any of what is going on.