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[Closed] round float value?


I’m currently trying to make a script which rotates selected uv elements untill the vertices of one edge share the same x or y value. (see attached image) My problem is the vertex’s position value is like 0.1234567, to make them fit I have to rotate by 0.0000001…which takes slightly longer than brute force hacking the FBI.

I’ve checked the max script reference for float values, but couldn’t find anything helpful.

4 Replies

Can you post some code? If you’re doing what i think you’re doing, it sounds as if you’re rotating a tiny increment, checking if the x and y are the same and then rotating some more… this is a highly inefficient way of doing this (and as you’ve found, it won’t work unless the increment you use is arbitrarily small). You’re better off pulling out a little trigonometry and simply calculating the proper rotation based on the starting x and y values. At least that’s if I’m reading your intensions right.

Thanks for the input James. Well yes your approach seems to make more sense. I’ve been using 3dsMax only as a user for now and never got that much into scripting, so it’s kinda hard to find the right way to do such things as a newb. Furthermore I’ve never worked with vectors yet…which leads me to the script itself…which actually does something, but the rotation ain’t close to anything…guess a random value would do the same.

    -- $.unwrap_uvw.setTVSubObjectMode 1
    	a_vertList = ($.unwrap_uvw.getSelectedVertices() as array)
    	a_xPos = #()
    	a_yPos = #()
    	-- // collect vert positions
    	for i = 1 to a_vertList.count do
    		a_xPos[i] = ($.unwrap_uvw.getVertexPosition 1 a_vertList[i])[1]
    		a_yPos[i] = ($.unwrap_uvw.getVertexPosition 1 a_vertList[i])[2]
   	v_edge1 = ([amax a_xPos, amax a_yPos, 0] - [amin a_xPos, amin a_yPos, 0])
   	v_length = length ([amax a_xPos, amax a_yPos, 0] - [amin a_xPos, amin a_yPos, 0])
   	v_edge2 = ([(amin a_xPos + v_length), amin a_yPos, 0] - [amin a_xPos, amin a_yPos, 0])
   	f_rotAngle = dot v_edge1 v_edge2
    	$.unwrap_uvw.rotateSelectedVerticesCenter f_rotAngle

Edit: I figured out “v_edge1” kinda missed it’s target…but I’m not sure how to get the right values. The picture shows what I think I did wrong about v_edge1.


Try this:

local sel = selection[1].modifiers[1]
local verts = #(11, 12)
local v1 = [1,0,0]
local v2 = normalize ((sel.GetVertexPosition 0 verts[2]) – (sel.GetVertexPosition 0 verts[1]))
local d = dot v1 v2
local angle = DegToRad (acos d)
if d < 0 do angle *= -1
sel.RotateSelectedVerticesCenter angle

The order of vertices is not important.


Thanks for the code Light!

It works fine for clockwise rotated faces, but takes 2-5 steps for counter clockwise rotated faces…or if the face rotation -> 90°. I’ve checked the values for d and angle but can’t figure out why/when it works correctly and when not.

	a_vertList = ($.unwrap_uvw.getSelectedVertices() as array)

	v_vec1 = [1, 0 , 0]
	v_vec2 = normalize (($.unwrap_uvw.GetVertexPosition 0 a_vertList[2]) - ($.unwrap_uvw.GetVertexPosition 0 a_vertList[1]))
	f_dotAngle = dot v_vec1 v_vec2
	f_rotAngle = DegToRad (acos f_dotAngle)

	if f_dotAngle < 0 do f_rotAngle *= -1

	$.unwrap_uvw.rotateSelectedVerticesCenter f_rotAngle