[Closed] Rotation Script – Background worker?
I have a project where we are visualizing a possible installation by Ned Kahn and one of his wind walls. I have “only” 14,000 panels, each with a scripted controller in a single (x) axis. Each panel finds the nearest point on a proxy surface, finds the barycentric coordinates, then UV, then the pixel grey scale value of the bitmap in the material to determine the rotation. I feed video of time lapse clouds and ripples on water into the bitmap and all the panels do their thing beautifully. The proxy surface is a cylinder but i’ve made it only 8 polygons which sped things up quite a bit.
I’m sure there are some inefficiencies in my script. I pieced it together from Bobo’s PFlow scripted operator. Maybe that is my clue right there; I should be doing this with PFlow. but now I’m a little stuck with this system and would like to make it work.
My questions are:
- How can I make the script more efficient?
- Could something like this use the BackgroundWorker to find rotations in parallel? None of the panels are interrelated or dependent on each other.
The variables are:
Me = the panel node. (self)
rotFactor = custom atrib on the proxy surface that sets the maximum rotation.
TargetSurface = the proxy surface with the animation/video playing.
theDistances = #()
theBaryCoords = #()
theFacesHit = #()
thePositions = #()
enabledState = me.modifiers[#Enabler].Custom_Attributes.Enabled
if enabledState then
for f = 1 to TargetSurface.numfaces do
theRay = Ray Me.pos -(getFaceNormal TargetSurface f)
theInt = IntersectRayEx TargetSurface theRay
if theInt != undefined then
append theDistances (distance Me.pos theInt[1].pos)
append theBaryCoords theInt[3]
append theFacesHit theInt[2]
append thePositions theInt[1].pos
if theDistances.count > 0 then
theMinDist = amin theDistances
theIndex = findItem theDistances theMinDist
theBary = theBaryCoords[theIndex]
theUV = meshop.getMapFace TargetSurface 1 theFacesHit[theIndex]
theMapV1 = meshop.getMapVert TargetSurface 1 theUV.x
theMapV2 = meshop.getMapVert TargetSurface 1 theUV.y
theMapV3 = meshop.getMapVert TargetSurface 1 theUV.z
thePointUV = theMapV1 *theBary.x + theMapV2 *theBary.y + theMapV3 *theBary.z
theMap = (TargetSurface.material.diffusemap.bitmap)
theColor = (getPixels theMap [theMap.width*(mod thePointUV.x 1), theMap.height - theMap.height*(mod thePointUV.y 1)] 1)[1]
theAngle = (
if theColor != undefined then
(theColor.r + theColor.g + theColor.b)/3/255.0 * rotFactor
else 0
--format "Angle: %
" theAngle
degtorad theAngle
else 0
else 0