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[Closed] Rotate orthonormal basis
Feb 27, 2011 11:27 am
If there is an orthonormal basis and some vector. I want to rotate basis so it’s Z axis matches that vector. The angle of rotation is known.
How can one perform that rotation?
How can one find the direction of two other basis axes?
3 Replies
Feb 27, 2011 11:27 am
it’s Rotation matrix from axis and angle. Are you looking for Math or MAX solution?
Math is
MAX is[b] preRotate <matrix3> <quat>
[/b]when you rotate the matrix it’s easy to get its axis. X,Y,Z are row1, row2, row3 respectively.
Feb 27, 2011 11:27 am
let’s say we have:
original transform – tm
new Z vector: zvector
the tm after rotation will be:
-- angle of rotation:
ang = acos (dot [b]zvector [/b]tm.row3)
-- axis of rotation:
axis = normalize (cross [b]zvector [/b]tm.row3)
-- rotate about pos of [b]tm:[/b]
rot_tm = preRotate [b]tm [/b](quat ang axis)
-- new X and Y axis:
X = rot_tm.row1
Y = rot_tm.row2