[Closed] rolloutfloater "empty" after exporting
Hi all … once again one of those problems i have tried to figure out on my own
for about one month now…but all i try doesn’t change a thing…
I’m writing an exporter for Indigo and so far all the features are included…
the only thing nagging me is the fact that the rolloutfloater kind of disappears after
exporting once… when i press the script button again it looks like below…
ihave to rerun the script to bring it back up again…
sure this is just a stupid fault by me …
so here is what it looks like before and after exporting…
before : after :
here is the part of the code managing the rolloutfloater…
utility spread "Indigo Exporter" (
button bt_export "Open Exporter"
on bt_export pressed do (
if ( indwin != undefined ) do (
-- unregister and close any existing floaters
try (
cui.FloatDialogBar indwin
cui.UnRegisterDialogBar indwin
) catch ()
closerolloutfloater indwin
if (server == undefined) then (
server = "undefined"
if (cameras[1] != undefined) then (
c = getNodeByName cam_array[1]
camname = c.name
c_lens = 0.5*(GetRendApertureWidth()/tan(c.fov * 0.5))
indwin = newRolloutFloater "Max2Indigo v0.4" 320 600 100 100
addRollout indsettings indwin rolledUp:true
addRollout indtonemap indwin rolledUp:true
addRollout indenvironment indwin rolledUp:true
addRollout indcamera indwin rolledUp:true
addRollout indrender indwin rolledUp:false
addRollout indabout indwin rolledUp:false
) else (
messagebox "No Camera in scene"
--make dockable bar
--cui.RegisterDialogBar indwin maxSize:[216,-1] minSize:[216,-1] style:#(#cui_dock_vert, #cui_floatable, #cui_handles)
--cui.DockDialogBar indwin #cui_dock_left
i also use the enable/disablesceneredraw() command to speed up exporting…
before it wasn’t really a problem … but now it kind of sticks even without enable/disablesceneredraw()
Help would be greatly apprechiated…
thanks in advance
have you declared yours rollout as global variables before the definition ?
NO ! but now it works…thanks arketip !!
thousand thanks.....
u3dreal ;)